
Welcome To My Secret Laboratory

You have found my Lab. Aren't you lucky? I had an idea while I was at the beach arguing about things like how pot COULD actually be a tool to improve productivity in the office place. I kept losing the argument (it was to defend Groundhog's current obsession), but I did make some amazing points.

Anyway, when the two debaters took off for a smoke break, I had a vision for this section. Simply put, I want this section to be known as "NAME YOUR DAILY MAEL SALARY".

That is right. And I want you to be honest, because once the money train comes it will wait for nobody. And if you are on-board, you just might collect one day. Since this site isn't a publicly owned corporation I have thought of a way to make you part of my dream. From the ground up. Isn't that the way it should be?

The plan goes like this - Send me a piece of your art. Send me a picture of something you REALLY want to sell. Car? No problem. Movie script? Only if you have an edited version. Just send me the info and it will be on the site. Name your price, and I will do a piece on it (or submit background specific to what it is you are selling. I am asking 8% of the proceeds. That's less than CA state tax! If you really have a problem with the 8% fuck it, I'm open for negotiations. Send me a frozen pizza. We'll talk.