
Daily Paul

Yep, there is a website that allows you to keep a close eye on Ron Paul and it's called the Daily Paul. In these days when there is so much smoke in the air, fires still ablaze, only time will tell when it will clear. To maintain a positive outlook on such matters, day in and day out, it is no laughing matter - it's a battle, and there is so much going on, it never hurts just to get a prolific outlook on the matters We might take for granted. Not everyone is supposed to understand all the legislation. I sure as hell don't and don't lie - neither do you. But Paul does, and he's is fighting every day to have his weird, almost whiny voice heard fairly. And you may not agree, but that is not what it's all about. It is about knowing the facts. So far, it's been this mad dash by Obama to spread "crisis" much like Bush screamed "terrorism!", which might be necessary to get what he wants to get done -- speaking of stimulus, my computer got a nasty virus from all the porn I was "researching" last week. Boo hoo. Restore the Republic, and restore my hard drive to last week...

Anyway, a stimulus package is going to be hotly debated in the coming weeks. Read up and understand what it means besides, maybe, being able to afford that WII Fit. Jim DeMint (r), speaking Jan. 27 at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., explained the Obama administration will “create crisis and widespread panic” to get this package approved and pushed through - or as Yogi might say, "it's like deja vu all over again." The neo-conservative influence keepin us in a standoff in Iraq is pulling tough on Obama, and though he's promised troop reductions, any escalations in violence will change his mind. At least that is the Ron Paul take on Obama's foreign policy. The cons will continue to push their philosophy that pulling out now would lead to future problems here at home (apparently, they want us to seem as this might be an improvement the way they push this line of thinking,) but in fact, staying in Iraq and contuing participation in the violence is what We should avoid. We will also be bombarded with numerous reports that Afghanistan is the real problem(as it has been reported for a long time)
so rather than a direct pull-out, there most likely will be a shift-over. And money will continue to be a problem, worldwide.

Ok, don't be afraid, it's only information.




What's that you say? You're lost? Tonight's season premier of Lost was long and it was good and it was super confusing.

Cheech, who plays Hurley's dad, makes some drug references... Jack is creepy... Linus needs his blanket...

They are going back to the island and leaving a bunch of repeated "The island needs us!" cliche lines and enough people got shot and otherwise maimed to make this a typical episode - and annoy non-watchers to the point of walking out mid-way. It's been too long.

Hurley does a great job taking a spiritual lead of a bunch of social outcasts and grounding a generally pointless mission. There is lots of revenge, guns and double-crossing to keep it thoroughly entertaining and Anna Louisa sobered up enough to play a ghost highway patrol officer. She's so hot, so it was great 2 see her back as a reminder of past Lost seasons.

I don't want to give anything away, and while I enjoy the space/time Philadelphia Experiment elements, it's a pretty bad show to just jump in to unless you know the characters, which drive this vehicle further than the plot itself.

The Daily Mael hopes all you Lost fans are ready to enjoy this new (possibly last) season.


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Detroit's New Pup

Here is a picture of Detroit's cute new pup...

It's name is Amani, but I think she looks more like a Sinatra if you asked me.


LA and OC Music Reads: Gary Schwind

Fellow Broo writer Gary Schwind has a regular writing slot at Examiner (LA and Orange County). He covers the local music scene and has a growing list in his archives to check out. He writes like a blogger and blogs like a writer, so he's always worth a read, especially if your in the OC or don't mind taking a little drive. I'm looking forward to checking out the Detroit Bar to see what kind of virgin drinks they serve.


One reason I didn't go skiing this season...

Well, for one, my knee is still on the mend, and second, there's too many dumb-asses on ski slopes. Today this guy got caught in probably the most embarrassing moment in his life...

This will probably be the most widely viewed picture on the internet within hours. And it's not his fault, it's the dumbasses at Vail who will be paying through the snow plow this ski season. Ouch, the guy (48) was suspended for 15 minutes. In today's world, that is about as bad as it gets.


Hoofin' It At Home: Clippers Draining Me

Make no mistakes about it, downtown Los Angeles has either become incredibly rad, or is just a symbol of pure folly. The Nokia is massive and daunting. ESPN Zone apparently has one of the "best burgers" (yeah, I'm not falling for it... though the Philly Steak was pretty good) and they do something practical, yet rarely seen at most restaurants - in their fruit salad, they cut the honeydew melon into manageable bite-size pieces. Really... how novel is that? Parking has not changed entirely since past seasons despite the insane changes within the downtown infrastructure.

As I rambled on to my only real Clipper fan friend, Barney, about the many reasons the Clippers would be better off leaving Los Angeles, I didn't realize I wouldn't be able to bring the camera into the game due to it's lens size. Oh well, Barney was right, but somehow the person regulating the outdoor line said she didn't think they'd allow it inside, "but check at the next stop". At the metal detector the person was not happy letting me by, but I was happily passed along to the ticket scanner person who asked, "is that lens extended to the max?" To which I answered "yes" - and voila! I was in Staples with a camera with a lens larger than 3". Barney didn't get that I wanted to take advantage of this one-time (for me) happening and I don't recommend trying it because they were on to me, but hey, it's the Clips, man - what am I going to get away with anyway?

I wound up walking away with a 1-point loss and the game winning shot (that got blocked, but goal-tended, by Al Thornton), taken by Allen Iverson.

Meanwhile, as the Lakers continue to cover the spread, the Clippers become less relevant to L.A. with every loss. I know they are a little bad luck with all the injuries, but they deserve better to not constantly be over-shadowed by another team in their own city. One can't entirely blame Dunleavy for the disappointment of the 2008-2009 season, this is a problem that begins at the very top. For all the new beauty in downtown Los Angeles, it just goes to show there are plenty of things that still need fixing.


New Mexico Pix and Other Hoopla

There was a big moon while I was driving through New Mexico a couple weeks ago. You may remember how outstanding the moon was those couple days, as the satellite passed close to us, giving us all a beautiful show. I caught this picture while making our way down to White Sands, which is never a letdown.

Again.. I'm not one for scenic pictures. I'd much rather have half-naked strippers doing their thing... or friends and weird people. I have a few of those too.

In Taos, there was a man dancing in the city square. I didn't know what to make of the man, but he certainly seemed to have little in the way of inhibition. That reminds me, I promised to email these to him...

Told you... he had been leading a group of elderly in an early morning yoga/dance class...

He was a hidden gem and was a good subject after all those landscapes photos... ho ho...

It was all VERY December.