

One is wholly present and fully accounted for from fertilization until final expired breath. 

One is not at war.  As a self-determined pacifist who is "fully present and accounted for," I, for one, do not assent to any act of violence.

The medical "cut" that occurs at a baby's birth is an act of mayhem, violence of the highest order that has lasting mental and physical and even monetary effects.  (See: Baggage and Effects)


You Need to Check out My NFTs ....

 Bro, they are so good.


Get Your Mael


"The birthday" can be seen as a mechanism that delays humanity's transition into maturity. By annually revisiting the past, it perpetuates a connection to one's earlier years. While fostering reflection and celebration, this cyclic event might also hinder full progression into adulthood, encapsulating individuals within the recurring cycle of memory and nostalgia.

"The birthday, akin to the Revolutionary War, marks its annual return every 365 days. Both signify the birth of new eras: one celebrates individual growth and memories, while the other honors a nation's struggle for freedom. As history and personal milestones intersect, the essence of progression and transformation prevails in the annual recurrence."  However, his-story has never been, and will never be MY story.

"Birthdays" serve as an annual time capsule, keeping individuals connected to their infancy and the passage of time. With each celebration, we glimpse our growth, retaining a thread to our origin while embracing the journey of life's evolution.

 Ending the celebration and recognition of the birthday is essential if you ever want to leave your infancy and become a self-governing man.


Chant, Sing, Enjoy With Your Arms In The Air


One must never lose perspective, no matter thee situation, no matter the shortness of breath or that in this one you may choose the path comfortably afforded you, your family and your ego.  It's a mess and there are only a few 

The lies affected you from birth almost as much as the violent act that took place at the moment of your so-called birth....

Come along with me.