
BIG NEWS! Wow!!!

This blog certainly has had a stormy past.

Keep your eyes n earballs at full-attention, Daily Mael is going to the BIGTIME!

That's right, the same blog name I didn't want to use is now the one that will act as my new writing home. It's a sad day for the infamous PROPERTY OF MARS url, edged out of the top spot because certain women have told me Daily Mael was more catchy.

Daily Mael will hopefully draw more readers.

Believe it or not, this blog has attracted over 1,000 hits (or as Rose Mountain might say - READS) without any activity - except for the horrific candid photograph posted a few months ago.

Anyway, stay tuned... the site, while simple at first glace, will likely be a solid foundation and over time will evolve to be a nicely decorated apartment for my delirious mind.

Official notice: Opening soon!