
Her compliment was full of nice things

You gave me the greatest compliment when you said, live and on the air, that I have "weird diversion tactics" when I working with Mr. Midnight Movie.  As his producer, I find novelty in the Mr. Midnight Movie production.  So when you tell me something we did strikes your fancy, and back it up with all the valued adjectives, describing the nuances as if you were there with us, yeah it's going to go straight that fat assed fool's head.

Regardless, you have displayed a keen eye and offered us perspective and that is a sign that there could be good things ahead if we keep our heads in the game.  He trusts me with this title, and we mean business.


01:34 PM He called me last night. Mr midnight movie explained how another radio show host was really liking our style and is working on a way to market us to be a part of their syndication. I stared at my phone for a few seconds, put down my dirty chai latte and reminded him not to believe a fucking thing anyone involved with the radio industry tells him. He agreed and went on to have one of our best shows in ages.


04:21 PM He tried so hard but the combination of his will and his sheer deluded gift for gab made for instrumental dealings that led to our first forays into a wilderness of unkind thieves and soul fuckers. Still the dream was elusive. It was trying and it was a just really hard. No matter how much you tried to make sense of it, things refused to get easier.


08:44 AM It was not for many years, or days, that I felt I was a believer that what we had to work with was something yet to be exploited. A miserable dirty he was. Hatred spewed from his frothy mug at just about every opportunity to prove himself but goddammit he is reliable and he is nobodys fool. That was the motive.

08:38 AM I was led astray by a talent so huge but also by a man who is so dumb.


Diaro, my diary app

11:30 AM This is my first entry. I have lost so many documents over time due to digital degradation that it hurts to think about. I used to have thousands of yahoo conversations that go back eons. I had im's that will never be found ever again. But sometimes I wonder... Did someone else get them? Is this person out there putting this stuff together? What if he is out there. Making movies with my thoughts. Weird right?