
Big Hollywood? Yep, Zig has lost it

Are you kidding me?  I hadn't done a Zig search in a long time, but little did I know a simple search would have led me to his Breitbart gig.

Yeah, the same gig where Riley Hunter was working.  Wisely, Hunter has been absent (or changed his clothes to escape possible discovery) at this point, he doesn't want to be found from folks hanging out at his practice fields.  Even in his absence, I have to say HR's work is better than the odd John Ziegler:

In 2008, John Ziegler wrote, directed, and produced the documentary "Blocking the Path to 9/11." He created HowObamaGotElected.com as a precursor to his next film, "Media Malpractice... How Obama Got Elected.” A teaser video for that documentary has already been viewed by at least 1.8 million people on YouTube.

 I guess he got a job at 1260am here in LA but I don't see him on their website.  What does he bring to Breitbart?  Sarah Palin articles that harness 300 comments + per and a Rush Limbaugh rant urging people to believe that Rush's lack of brawl in getting rejected bidding to become an NFL owner.  Zig is a bizarre story, with big highs - such as his obsessions with Tiger and OJ - and low, lows such as the movies he produces, writes, directs, ADs, grips, edits, narrates and farts on.

Hit n miss, just like Andrew Breitbart.

Where can I find this guy on the air??


Is it really 3:50am?

"Greenpeace fund-raisers on the subject of global warming are not much different than tribal wizards on the subject of lunar eclipses. “Oh no, the Night Wolf is eating the Moon Virgin. Give me some silver and I’ll make him spit her out.”
P.J. O'Rourke, 1991

I don't know, man.  I'm let down.  It's so terribly difficult to maintain enthusiasm for an entire season of fantasy basketball.  82 games is a lifetime.  I'm at the top of the heap in all 3 leagues and it's still a drag.

But, as desperately I try my best to set my teams and face the long haul, I know there are more difficult things out there in the world.  Like why the hell am I awake at - wow, now it's 4:10 and I haven't really written anything worthwhile...

So nevermind.  Hope your weekend dominates and leave a comment next time you stop by.

You know, on second thought, I decided to ramp up - mainly because it's now the 4:20 that I'm usually asleep during.  So as I sit here, I'm just going to drop a couple thoughts on what I've seen in the past coupla days.

The Hurt Locker - or as my neighbor labeled the dvd - The Hard Locker (not on purpose), was phenomenal.  I wanted to watch it twice but finally decided that once was enough.  Thing was - the story is not phenomenal, the characters are playing roles of parts already done a zillion times and the lead wasn't as strong as his nomination for an academy award suggests.

Instead we just have a movie that by today's standards is a true winner.  It was beautifully shot, visually exciting with intense scenes that are nerve racking, intelligent and worth the time.  I philosophized with others that Three Kings was 10x a better film.  Of course that had to do with the top 3 performers offering up career topping performances (ok - Ice Cube may have been a little better in Friday, but that is only a maybe) but it's difficult comparing those two.

THL makes the audience think, and there is some complexities in the characters, but not enough to make it very memorable outside of movies released in the past five years.

Joseph Stack - homey, what did you do?  Oh yeah, he flew his plane into a taxman building.  Slate broke it down pretty good, this guy was a narcissist 100% and actually makes a good point for Alex Jones, who calls Stack a plant for the NWO.  Not much has changed with that gravelly man's echo, but he actually will end up hurting the End The Fed people because his rant was a mess and it was clear to me he partially moved to Austin for it's music scene that he desperately wanted to be a part of.  At first his efforts seemed to have substance, but his pundit pannings have done his case no good for a good reason.  Psychopathic and narcissistic, and ultimately mentally unstable will mark his legacy.

Finally - Tiger.  Tiger.  Seriously - it's lame, man.  Stop.  The grand day will be the day Nike drops him because nobody should wear Nike because of a golfer.  Period.  His speech was sponsored by Nike.   I've been a reader of Tigerwoodsisgod for many years.  After the debacle, the site was changed by its writer John Ziegler, TigerwoodsWASgod.  The fact that I'm linking that site is absurd of course.  The writer is a former radio talk show host who has fallen, much like Tiger, from the public eye.  I used to write during his show back when he was on KFI, but I always thought his show was doomed and his career in radio was making its last stop here in L.A.  Zig also is picky with his comments, choosing to not allow any  because he's afraid of the comments to take the site over.  Who is worse?  Tiger or Zig?  They are the same beast.

Corrupted from the inside out, except that Tiger is world famous of course.

Back to Tiger - I have to agree with those bloggers who feel saddened that he didn't thank apologize to all the women he hurt along the way, instead, he stayed true to corporate form and lied his fucking ass off.  People like Zig thought he did the best he could in the situation he faces, and yea, I mean after all - he's a ball player.  He knows this will be but a blip on his radar.  He will be at this a very long time and he will be a winner for a long time to go - but I was never a fan.  Amazed?  Sure, the way I'm amazed at Kobe Bryant.  Talented at what they do and nobody can and ever will take that away from them.  Certainly not by the women they penetrate.  It sure helps my overall portrait of society, and all of civilization for that matter.

Ok, I feel better now.  Time for sleep.

("All the trouble in the world" is a book by PJ O'rourke, the other two pics were taken by ME bitch!)


YO gabba gabba Mo Fo

Yeah!  There we go.... got not one but TWO job offers this week.  The best part is I can accept them both!  The nature of my work allows me that opportunity.  Beats where I'm at now, and I'm, once again, a contractor and that my friends, is HOW THIS DOG ROLLS (and the picture is my dog Teddy Belle)!

wHo wants a beer?  This def. beats playing too many video games and praying for something better. 

Nice weekend, even got to see my boy Chris Kaman play the All-Star game.  He totally deserved it...

Now is everything great? Well, I am busy with the grad-school thing so that kinda sucks and limits me from going after the big bucks for now, but let us take a second and breath cuz it's all going to get better, right?  One step at a time, as the former drunks usually will tell you.

Then the roster winds me up but good - a possible trip to Tahoe, then Vegas and Texas!  Wow, mmmMarch is going to be a rapid fire endless succession of headaches and do it all over agains.

Still working on a way to pull all the writing together - it's tedious and with the papers I'm writing for school it ain't happening today. 

It's very exciting to see some of you Broo's to join me here, I want to tell you about a radio show I'm doing and I want you involved any time you'd like.  Inquire within - it's stupid and amatuer, to an extent, but eventually I'll add some of the podcasts here when I do a good show.  Then I'll be bugging your asses to call in and have some fun, anonymously or not - it's getting a lot of hits and would be a fun way to promote your articles or - as some of you fancy folks have achieved - will allow you to promote your book(s).

More coming so thanks for sticking with DM.



Dunleavy FIRED!

Ah, I can breath again!  Clippers finally chop blocked Mike Dunleavy from any more coaching duties effective NOW.

I was just about to give up on this season, despite having the worst job in sports -  covering the LA Clippers.

Renewed vigor is seeping out, but the high expectations are gone.  There's time for a playoff run, but honestly, this team may need a little more time to get their shit together.

The banner picture is a photo I took of Dunleavy last season.  I put the setting on black and white for this one because there was nothing colorful about his coaching.


And the hunt for a template begins

I'm picky and I like to tinker, so I want a good template.  This blog got blown up last year because I had it hosted at a site called BlueHost.  Well, I didn't realize it when I put out the dough to have the site's template built especially for me and then paid for it to be hosted for the year.  I must have been rolling in it or so I thought...

Then the economy made blogging more difficult.  It made a lot of good, weathered bloggers to quit doin' it cuz dey love it, and if you were a payin' fool like me to do it, then it was really a mistake. 

So yeah, the economy is a factor, but not when I started the gdamn thing in 2008.

Then a bunch of other shit happened that took away my attention.  I skipped a bunch of things there, each factor is a blog post in itself, so just roll with me for a moment.  This rant won't take much time. 

The worst thing about 2009 was my editorial debut for a start-up.  My initial goal was to become the sorcerer of UFOlogists, and I got the site where I was doing my thing over 10,000 visitors in a quick 9 months.  Things were seeming to click, even though I had plans to keep Daily Mael (the .com version) rolling, but it became cumbersome.  Like that song, Cumbersome.  DM had become.  Cum um ber su ummm.

Then in a semi-expected move - I got fucked over by the webmaster where I was editing.  Yes, after meeting some of the UFO world's premier researchers and freaks!  I was getting newly published books sent to me weekly (still get some) because they wanted to be reviewed and added to that site.  I went to paranormal conventions, spread cards and flyers around, was interviewed on an paranormal internet radio show and even met a darling lady writer who got me into a great concert, with backstage access.  2009 was awesome for writing dreams, until dark December fell upon us. 

It was then that the webmaster emailed the editors one day announced the site was collapsing.  The scramble to go in and grab the 100s of articles and 1,000s of links was daunting and proved impossible due to said economic disaster and mad dashing for cash.  A few days later, all my work was gone.  Disappeared.... I felt like I had been raped, and I didn't even get a tip on the pillow.

And so there I sat... the other day... staring at my computer.  Lost.  The feeling of wondering what hit me, and the question of what had been missing.  A full year of work was lost, but then I found there were others with little secret missions popping up around the hood and things were good again because I was sorta able to grab a bunch of past DM posts and export them here to this very blog!

The images all got stuck somewhere, so that part sucks.  There were a lot of original photos on the old version, but now I'll get an opportunity to revisit those memories without repetition to unknowing readers.

DM was just going to be a bunch of links and articles from internets "dailies", but this NEEDS to be a blog.  This must have some of that inner energy.

Meanwhile, I'm looking to revamp the wonderful template to something that may not be as catchy as the one I had, but it can certainly will have the links to the other projects I have going on in interweb land.

Daily Mael is Back!

I wanted to write.  I wanted to blog..

But I'm a slob
And a fat whore

My writing is back
A faithful blogger on crack

You are my main squeeze
Daily Mael is where I will sleep

And when I move my bones
And look for something worthy to post

In strange and in weird
Shaved the beard and climbed out from the hills

Daily Mael is back online and needs a third party DNS 
Because BlueHost has made it a pain in my ass