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Technorati: Discussion about “They Might Be Giants, The Swell Season and more: Daily tour recap”

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Technorati: Discussion about “U.S. Census Bureau Daily Feature for Sept. 12”

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Fundraiser Week Everywhere You Look

The trick is to always be as ass-broke as possible so people leave you alone. How many years have I used that old handy tool?

Well, now that I'm doing a bike ride to Santa Barbara for the MS Society, I find myself in the position of asking all my friends and even sorta-friends, and former/current work mates for donating to the ride that happens Oct. 3 and 4. Well - people remember! Luckily, I wasn't a complete meiser so I'm still getting sort-a hooked up. Which gives me hope.

The problem I now face is that everyone else is raising money this week and next!

Shit! Even my favorite radio program is asking to ante up - - and who can resist a new KXLU t-shirt?

I sure as hell can't! Pledge KXLU - their programming is the best in L.A.!!


Zappa in 1963!

Yeah, if you wanna get some more great videos and random things - check out Adam's page!


my ufos are in my soup

I'm hearing all these gruesome stories on the news, I am reading all these books about people gone mad in one form or another - you know, nonfiction stuff - and sitting here wondering about why it is these stories are so important. They deny any wrongdoing, they inflict their ideals on others, and they don't die easy because in each of their minds, they are all doing the "right thing."

It can get so discouraging! The worst eventually die or get caught anyway, so it is easy to just flip open the book and learn about the history of the presenting problem and dig in. I've had these interests since I was very young and it carried on through the several years and I would like to think that when I do get in the right conversation I will be able to have the kind of information output I have studied hard for all of these years. Not to unleash a demon or anything weird, but I have this notion the best has not yet risen to the top.

I bring this up because a site I have been working on as an editor, Ufo DailySite, has put me in contact with some of the more unusual, interesting people on Earth. So to mix it up and stay interested in writing, I keep this site going in hopes to come across some SEO breakthroughs and position the site as one of the greatest resources on the topic in the universe! Not possible? Well, there's a lot of competition out there, but it does keep my imagination ticking and has more of a shelf-life than a blog.

Check out UFO DailySite over and over and if you have anything to add or link to on the site, just send me a reply.


Antioch Scum

Jesus... this is insane. Why do I have to wake up and hear sad stories like this? Permanent damage to the poor 29 year old girl is screwed for her psychological life and this mutt, who apparently was attempting to preach listening to voices, is going to prison. He was free from a serious crime in 1971, Phillip Garrido, blogger, printer, and creep has created a nasty horrible monsterous scenario.

It could have been unraveled, but the failure of the state, again, by the Federal supervision has been a massive letdown.

Here's his blog, I gotta read up before it is gone.


fucking facebook fuck you

oh this is a wicked song forwarded through the facebook lineup.

it sums it up.


This Week We're Gettin' Odd

The weeks fly by, the information wells up, the stress comes and goes, the weather moves around. The economy temps, dares and cock-teases us to work, and we all get rewarded with a two day vacation to recharge just to start it up again.

Don't act quickly, and you too will run out of time to make plans for your real life.

Not me, I move to fast. This weekend though will be filled with fun things to do - and it will end well my friends. If you find this, and you live in Los Angeles... and you have an appreciation for things you can't find on the top-50 charts, here's a treat.

Come to LA LUZ de JESUS GALLERY. We are going to be celebrating the special publication of Adam Gorightly's newest work. Check it:

The Shadow Over Santa Susana
by Adam Gorightly

Lecture and Book Signing,
Live Musical Performance
& Look-a-like Contest with Prizes!

Mike Marinacci, author of "Mysterious California," will also read the forward he penned for Mr. Gorightly's book.

Sunday, August 9, 2009
6 - 9 PM

Adam is my kind of writer, so it's going to be a certified blast and I'm hoping I can talk more friend's into coming along. You know what to do...

4633 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90027
Phone 323-666-7667


On this day in 1979, Canoga Park UFO Sighting!

1979 - At 10:35 p.m. a 60-year-old woman and her grandson watched a glowing object approach their location in Canoga Park, California from the west. It then hovered silently above a nearby apartment building. They described it as a domed saucer with a transparent dome. Inside the clear dome two humanoid figures could be seen. They appeared to have oversized heads, but were human in shape. The object tilted to one side, levelled off, then tilted in the opposite direction and flew off behind some trees to the west. (Sources: Walt Greenewald, International UFO Reporter, September 1979, p. 11; Ann Druffel, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1981, p. 15; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 24 & 492).


Responding to a Facebook "what if?"

Magic Wand of Life
No one possesses this magic wand of life. As much as we think, God (or the captain, so to speak) is in possession of this magic wand. But suppose it is YOUR work and you are selected to be given this wand.

Question: "What you do with that wand?"

Condition: This wand can do only good and bad things. But if you use the wand for destruction, then the wand is returned to sender.

This was my interpretation of the question, though the original question of worded much differently.

So here is my response, feel free to dispute or just leave your own. I don't get enough comments on this blog, so take a minute, it won't bite you.

I would have Obama (all politicians) give the people full transparency of what exactly happens with the most advanced technologies and programs on Earth. I would want all the laws open for a real discussion.

I would want to know the highest-most in Worldly knowledge and secrets, and be part of the team that is responsible for climbing to the top of a very large mountain, with a very large amplifier system and golden microphone. We would, one by one, categorically read each and every meaningful, and meaningless (depending on your spot on the spectrum) point.

If you want to go to the original post leave a comment there too...


Randy Cassingham's Blog

It was 30, nay - 40 years ago Tuesday that Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong piloted the Eagle -- the first manned lunar-landing spacecraft -- to the surface of the moon. He had to land manually, as the onboard computer couldn't process instructions fast enough as they sped toward a field of boulders; landing on them would have surely meant death. But he settled down with less than 30 seconds of fuel remaining and, after a few hours of rest, stepped onto the surface of our moon, followed shortly by Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, while Michael Collins circled less than 10 miles overhead in the command module, Columbia. Driven by dreams -- and funded by a burning desire to beat the Russians -- the first moon landing on July 20, 1969, was a defining moment in history. Never before had so many people, in so many countries, watched a single event with such awe.

Randy Cassingham's Blog


It's on! "Tools of the Revolution" will be on the air...

From the GCN website...


Writer and street activist (Tea Parties) JOSEPH MAEL reports on the growing legion of public protestors and shares "Tools of the Revolution" that embody: Freedom of Speech, Tools of the Scribe, Starting your own Media Blitz and the power of Low-Frequency Radio.
Website: http://www.showmethelaw.org/off-with-their-heads-tax-revolt-in-california-sparks-revolution.html
To Subscribe: http://www.republicmagazine.com or 866.437.6570
Article: "Tools of the Revolution": http://www.scribd.com/doc/16454509/Republic-Magazine-The-Second-American-Revolution (The article "Tools of the Revolution " may be found by clicking on lower right hand side of the magazine until you come to Page 21)


much to do about this week

After a mini-vacation, the thing I love to come back to is good news.

A couple articles I wrote at Examiner took off, I got another "A" in my last class, the Clippers are involved in some major re-workings yet retain their "modest expectations" status, and the best of all news from my inbox - - I am going to be interviewed Tuesday morning live on a syndicated radio show called the Power Hour.

The show is not produced in a major market, but their message is a growing strain in a struggling American theology:
We focus on subjects that inform and educate people every day to the real challenges that face this country. Help us restore the Constitution to its rightful place of importance in the United States.

Some of the show info:
Listen Live Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST
or to the nightly replay Monday-Friday 9-12 PM CST.
Listen FREE thru Global Star Satellite Feed
3 hours of two of America's finest patriots:
Joyce Riley and Dave VonKleist!
** Or Listen "On Demand"

More information is on the way, but as of now, I'm scheduled for Tuesday morning's show for one hour. This is tentative until tomorrow, when I expect Joyce to give me a ringy ding. I'll be discussing an article I wrote about flash mobs and social networking, hopefully this will include calls from listeners. It's exciting for me because this will be a first for me to go live for a radio interview, I best get back to preparing while I have a few minutes.

I've been listening to Power Hour's past podcasts and I have to say that they are surprisingly good. I only say that because when I first tuned in, I wasn't sure what to expect, and Joyce really blew me away.

More updates on this tomorrow.


Motel Blues

1978. No it isn't Will Ferrell, it's Rufus Wainwright's daddy. I like Loudon's songs but not really into Rufus.


Funny Prank

Absolutely Hilarious Bathroom Mirror Prank - Watch more Pranks

For more videos, check out the comedy video site I edit at Daily Site. I'm always taking email submissions if you have links you'd like to see on the site: joe@dailysite.com


Mark Sanford Caper Smells Fishy

Mark Sanford. This guy. Jesus... I have to go with my first instinct (later strengthened by the great Phil Hendrie) about how a story this shameful, this nasty (particularly for his family), this bizzaro, could come to pass. Yes, I've pondered it all day. And now I am getting tired. While pondering the scene, these wonderful thoughts came to my mind as I drifted off into a deep sleep:

The weirdness and high strangeness of his actions this past week.
The deep hypocrisy.
His white-bread, creepy demeanor.
That INSANE press conference that took him 7 minutes to get to why there was even a press conference being held.
He is a good Christian bible thumping freak hypocrite.

There really is only one logical monster of a factor left to be discovered-- wait for it...

Mark Sanford has been fucking a transvestite and will now do whatever he can to make this story go away before that fact is revealed.

Many of my past hunches have been dead on, of course some wrong, I make them every day and I'll never quit. Let us hope we find out the truth by an anonymous tipster the way those "sexy" texts were revealed.

Brace yourself, this story is about to go from weird to ultra-transvixenlike. Me likey these stories.



Two Trains Collide in DC

I was just happening to be listening to the news and heard this ...

WASHINGTON - Metro confirms two trains have collided on the Red Line between the Takoma and Fort Totten stations. It happened close to the Fort Totten station, a Metro spokesperson said.

More news to follow...

FIRST UPDATE: 30 seconds later. No injuries reported yet. Go back to work.

SECOND UPDATE: 1 person confirmed dead. Others trapped.

THIRD UPDATE: 1 dead, 9 injured. And now my boss is looking at me like I'm nuts.

But now the developments have just blown up...

I'm hearing 9 dead, 54 injured. This is only third hand speculation from a local news anchor, NOT official, but the totals are going to jump up if those rumors are true.

This tragedy is getting worse with each update...

FORTH UPDATE: 3:10pm (Pac) - 2 confirmed dead.

Two trains, during rush hour, have collided and are on top of each other.

Tune in to KNX 1070: D.C. fire spokesman Alan Etter says other passengers have been severely injured in what he describes as a "mass casualty event."


Henry Lee Summer released to rehab

53 year-old former 80s strummer and country-ish twanger Henry Lee Summer, who scored a hit with the forgettable single I Wish I Had A Girl, has been released to a rehab center stemming from an episode involving meth, cops and pepper spray. The song isn't bad, and the accompanying video is just vintage weirdo-player with a sweet mullet trying to nail every hotty in Hollywood. It really took me back... to a day when maybe he wasn't strung out on the cheap stuff. Dr. Drew, this man needs your help.





FCC Announces Open Meeting

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D. C. 20554

June 12, 2009 David Fiske 202-418-0513
Email: david.fiske@fcc.gov


Washington, D.C. – Federal Communications Commission Acting Chairman Michael J. Copps announced a tentative agenda for the next open Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 2, 2009:

1. Presentations

• An update on the June 12th DTV transition and ongoing DTV efforts.

• A status report on the Commission’s process for developing a National Broadband Plan.

2. AM Radio Stations – Use of FM Translators

• A Report and Order adopting rule changes to expand the permissible service of authorized FM translator stations to allow their use as a fill-in service for AM radio stations.

3. Fixed Wireless Services in the 6 GHz and 23 GHz Bands

• A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order on modifying and streamlining the rules governing fixed wireless services in the 6 GHz and 23 GHz bands.

4. Medical Body Area Network Service

• A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on allocating spectrum in the 2.3 GHz and 5.2 GHz bands and establishing service and technical rules for operation of medical body area networks for monitoring a patient’s physiological data.


News and information about the Federal Communications Commission is available at www.fcc.gov.

Editor note: Maybe people will attend this and discuss their frustrations with the new DTV transition.


Some of my newer articles for examiner

2009 Walk of Fame inductees:

I know, in reality, who gives a crap.

Then I did another one that got hits:

It's about Phil Spector taking off his wig. Pretty strange article coming from a fellow baldielox, but it's just so much damn fun, I can't stop.

No, no... expect more stuff on the dailies coming soon... I'm working on my method of attack, but in the meanwhile, check out some of my work for Examiner.



Eminem's new video...


Carradine Blues

He'd like some Howlin' Wolf right now.

It sucks because now he'll only be remembered by the rumors. Do you think Thailand isn't smart enough to turn this story into what it is? Who cares at this point about what happened.

At this point, the claims are now that he either died by that whole auto-erotic thing, hanging by his dong, or perhaps he got it from a secret Chinese sect. Did he know too much, or did he cum to a grunting halt?

Bondage. Murder. Suicide. Assassination.

Like I said in my 1st post about this, it's a total mystery, now in full swing.

Yeah, the rest of us be singing the blues over this and other crap...

Mark Geragos, defender of Scott Peterson, is going to be in the news again for helping the family as it searches for the truth... yes, this is going to be a news-story for a little longer I'm afraid.

Here his is a link to the picture you want to view, but I just get the feeling this ain't the real deal. Nothing from Thailand is what it seems. Why Geragos? Uggh, that is so un-kung-fu.

I got the blues...


David Carradine Death a Mystery in the Making

Growing up in LA, one has his or her share of run-ins with celebs. Particularly in the San Fernando Valley, where I bumped into many a star throughout my life. I sat next to Sinbad when the movie theaters opened at the Fallbrook Mall. That came years after seeing Tom Cruise in his fat-lazy phase somewhere in Sherman Oaks in the mid-80s. I've seen every star from the 80's version of The Young and the Restless, more than once. Don't ask me how I know how to recognize everyone from that cast, just know I've seen them all.

But it was those several times at Coffee Junction in Tarzana where David Carradine would get his coffee and buy random things from their mini-store that made them a little unique from most of the other coffee shop$ in the area. One day, he even asked me if I liked the soap he was purchasing for someone. "Yeah..." was all I could muster. My dad even saw him play in a band called "Soul Dogs", which comprise of various players including Sharon, who ran CJ.

It seems unlikely he would have been the type to kill himself, as initial reports have been suggesting.

UPDATE: TMZ has learned that the day before he died, David Carradine was in good spirits while shooting scenes for a movie at a local eatery -- the Witch's Oyster Bar & Restaurant.

We're told Carradine's crew was posted up on the second floor -- but David would occasionally stroll down to the restaurant level to enjoy a non-alcoholic beverage. Sources inside the restaurant tell us "he didn't look sad ... he looked fine."

Further, it seems unlikely he died of "natural causes" as his agent is said to have reported in other sources.

This is a full-blown mystery, as of right now. There is little chance he died by hanging himself from hotel curtains. This story stinks.

AP: An independent autopsy on David Carradine's body concludes that he did not commit suicide.


High Noon for Los Angeles City Council

Damning news comes from the San Francisco Weekly about the pot situation in Los Angeles. A 2007 suspension on medical ganja outfits was set aside for more important issues, and as a result of the exponential growth in demand, there are now over 600 dispensaries in operations. That is up from 186 dispensaries in operation when the moratorium was passed in Los Angeles.

Since word got out to the sniveling antis the City Council has been scrambling to avoid looking dumb for doing what the opposite is of acting by claiming the moratorium was merely a strategy to buy more time as new L.A. medical marijuana regulations come into play.

Meanwhile, over in the U.K., the Guardian has taken pot-shots:

"In short, government incompetence will make your kid high, if your kid can fake a nerve damage injury."

Stewart Richlin, an attorney representing over 100 medical marijuana dispensaries, stated in defense of the Council’s lack of action:

"There is a thing called supply and demand, and we aren't in need of paternalistic government.”

The new regulations, after a year of reworking, remain unfinished business. For now, the best patients can hope for is for Los Angeles’ City Council to get off their collective ass and do the right thing.


My Idea for GM

First off, I have hated GM since my early 20s. Let us just say, a long long time. The reason being that my first credit card was provided to me by GM my first week of college. I had a $5,000 credit limit, and I used it to purchase all the necessary equipment: Ridiculous post-80s clothes (linen pants and stretchy button-ups and a pair of J Crew saddle-shoes), beer, a fun 21st birthday celebration, and possibly, a book.

By the time a settlement was reached, the nearly $3,000 I had accumulated towards the purchase of a Corvette was redacted, that is, placed somewhere too high for me to reach, and my only dream of ever purchasing an American-made car quickly became personal history.

But rather than be bitter, keep your dumb GM bucks, jerks. Instead, I recommend something for GM's resurrection. Produce a car that is smaller than a SMART car, but larger than the bowl I sipped my miso soup from last night. Just large enough to squeeze two fatsos in, some groceries (not a day at Costco), a basketball and high-tops. It runs 24 hours, or 600 miles (any type of driving), goes 5 miles over the recommended speed limit, plugs into a usb port, and comes with stainless, odorless door grease. Think awesome, street legal golf cart.

Cost: $999

They would be worth 80 billion in less than 4 years, erasing their debt from the past 5 years of normal operation.

Homecoming Queen Has Got a Gun

Fairfax High's prom queen, Sergio Garcia, is now going to be a trendsetter. But what is my mom's reaction? I'll have to report back after I talk to her later today or tomorrow. Why is this interesting? She graduated from Fairfax High. In 1957, when real dinosaurs still roamed the planet (and Fairfax was a predominantly white, Jewish student body). Her opinion on such matters is usually entertaining because she gushes over such progressive revolutions while maintaining heavy Jewish guilt.

Library gettin full

So much stuff going on, so much information...
How the hell does anyone make heads or tails out of this mess? Well here's a video that assembles my thoughts some days...


Blarg is the word of the day!

By Urban Dictionary:

Blarg is a unique word, being the only word that not only means anything you want it to, or is used to show disinterest or boredom, but also is the only word that thousands upon thousands of people have claimed to have made up but has been around since man discovered they could use tools. Hobo Dave and Raymond Donn are amongst those who claim to have created the word, as well as some wierd dude called John who worked in the Games Workshop in Falkirk. I have also been known to use the word frequently in the past. I suppose, the true use of this word is to fill a gap in a sentence where appropriate. If a stoned person says "blarg", it is usually used to replace a word they cannot think of, or which they have forgotten.
"Blarg yer maw!!"
"Blarg tae aw da yids and swankers! (Hobo dave)"
"...Blarg man..."

Blarg! (i was bored, ok?)
1. A sigh of complete angst/depression.
2. A sigh of boredom
1. Blarg, someone in heaven created me only to laugh at my misery...
2. Wow, I am so bored...blarg..

A word used in Red vs. Blue from Rooster Teeth Productions. The word was said by the great destroyer, an alien named crunchbite. The name was later changed to fluffy. The alien that only loves.

Caboose: I think I will call him "crunchbite". Andy: Ahhh, that̢۪s a stupid name. Caboose: Ahh, well, I think its better than your suggestion, crunchbite is---. Church: Caboose, who are you talking to---Holy Shit! Crunchbite: blarg!
smell tooth bow chika bow wow english spanish french telepathy conquer love

While it is almost impossible to decipher one true and absolute meaning for Blarg, there is a basic understanding of it's fundamental implementations:

1) An utterance of complete bafflement (as noted many times the author of such bafflement may remain speechless with only the word "blarg" comprehensive for some amount of time)

see also: confuzlement

2) A vocalization of complete disgust. A short pantomime of a vomiting sound. In this case you might want to draw the "blarg" out more to sound like a more authentic vomiting sound.
3) A short sigh expressing sadness and frustration in the same instant.
A] What's that you say? Kathy Bates fully nude, awesome!

B] blarg!
1. Originally an expression of angst or confusion.
2. Sometimes also used as an explitve.
3. Has also been used as a universal word in place of any other word.
4. In some circles, Blarg has taken the upon the meaning of Nay, or No.
"All those in favor say Shoosh! Those opposed say Blarg."
"This is all Blarg" "All I have to say is, Blarg!"

n. an expression of complete boredum, or loss of enthusiasm.
"Blarg! This party is so boring..."

The word blarg has no concrete or absolute meaning. Its meaning is derived all from how you say it and in what mood you say it. If you say it depressedly in a low, melancholy tone, it is synonymous with a sigh or expression of sadness. If it's said in an apathetic tone, it means you're in a state of ennui. If you say it in a rageful voice, it is an expletive, etc. etc.
After setting yourself on fire: BLARG!!!

Bored: Blarg. (said in soft, monotone)
Pissed: BLAAAARG!!!!
Elated: Blarg! (In happy voice)

Ok - Now that we got that outta the way, here is a long video about the new Google WAVE browser. Learn how to use it now, you will be spending a lot of time doing this.

OMG - A 1964 Modem That Works

Get your nerdhats on. You're gonna be entering a NERDS ONLY zone, and it's pretty sweet.

1964 Antique MODEM Live Demo


Is this just drunk humor?

Remind me not to post after having a drink ever again..

Tourette's guy...


byproduct of unemployment

Guess what website is in the top 1000 of all websites (depending on which statistics you use) in fact, comes in at 899?

You bet. The California EDD website collects about 1.6 million hits per month.

That's a lot of hits, brother. Like the housing market though, the unemployment surge seems to be leveling itself out. Sorry if you are a female hispanic, between the ages of 18-34 (about 50 percent of these users have children between 0-17 years of age), make under 30k per year, have no college, and love love love Dr. Phil.


B-17 Bomber Flew Out of Long Beach Today

I would not have known that if I had not quickly turned on a t.v. at 1pm today and caught the channel 5 news@1. The anchor mentioned the flight would be between 1-2pm today because the B-17s are pretty noisy, and they knew they'd probably get a million phone calls if they didn't report it. Anyway, I was curious if I could find out more information about this. I couldn't find any other information on this, mainly because it's about as newsworthy as me tying my shoes. What I did find was something cool on Youtube. It's a whole world of flight videos. People taking flights and their musings of the experience. Kind of simple. But also kind of cool.


Something Not Fishy


The fish you are ordering at a lot of restaurants that have no business selling fish (but they do) are selling you fish that is not the fish you ordered.

Apparently the problem isn't all with the restaurants, but it is a problem occurring on the distribution level.


I heart the Montauk Monster

You lil monster.

So cute... so washed up....

I want to walk down a beach (radioactive Dockweiler beach in this case) and come across a washed up monster.

My 3rd Graduate School Essay

What's up ese?

You tryin' to get crazy ese?

Don't you know I'm loco?


1 Content and Conceptualization: 7/7
2 Logical organization of thoughts, ideas and structure: 4/4
3 Spelling, Grammar, APA format, etc.: 6/7

Total Points: 17.5 out of a possible 18

Photo: I took this photo in Dec(08) in Utah on an Indian reservation. I called this Mt. Bitchslap.


Big Nasty Yellow Tooth

Just feeling a little weird today. I saw this ad while reading about Roger Clemens, liar, going back on the record denying he used any enhancement drugs (roids in the ass) while he a major league pitchers winning cy young awards at 75 years old.

But I really just kept looking over at that big yella toof. Looks like she had a cig pressed up against it for several years, lit.

That is just one big yella toof. And I can't stop thinking about it, I can't stop looking at it.

That tooth is yellow as pineapple punch.
It's one nasty looking tooth.

Clemens can lie all he wants. He can also be fat and retired all he wants, don't bother me at all. He doesn't deserve any press good or bad, but like that yella toof, he just won't get out of the news. Nasty.

SO so Sorry

Hi blogosphere... goddamn you are good. These days you seem to have it all covered. By I know better. You are just an infant trying to find your way.

I look and see but there is always that story I just don't get to today. Because it takes a better search engine inquiry... or the stock market dips or drives and I get a little distracted. So I come back every tomorrow and that one fucking story is just one click away, I swear to god you are there, I smell it.

I met someone named Fuwan the other day. That was the name I wasn't looking for, but I found it somehow, just kind of a once in a lifetime thing, ya know?

There has been a lot of writing going on, but sadly this site has been terribly neglected. What a miserable bitch I have become. I've written about 25 pages of stuff over the past 6 weeks and guess what.. not a nickel has been dropped here at my home-base. So sorry Mr. Blogo.

The reason I'm even posting today is because of the email I got today ( dailymael@gmail.com ) that included the "racy" photos of Ms. California, a pot-recipe for my favorite Indian dish (not naan, which is a close-second) and mentioned that sometime-reader Bill Friday has a new website. Eeek! A mouse! So I checked it out.

Certainly there has been a feeling in the air of recent. That is to say, I completely felt my online world screeching to a slow-simmer, just like the biryani last night. Minus the lemon-juice. Just temporary, because, as I always like to announce on days like these, you know, when clarity comes at a premium, my writing always bounces back strong. I'm predicting a Laker loss in game 6, fyi. I'm not being a hatre, in fact I would love to see the Fakeshow play Denver.

Of course I thought Portland looked like the best team in the West going into the playoffs so what the hell do I know?




when I saw this video, I have to admit, this was the first time ever -- today. I can laugh because we would play this in the locker room before taking the court before our JV games! HA, yeah... I don't usually do the flashback thing, but you'll thank me if it has the same affect on you. Two Live Crew is responsible for something, though I'm not sure what... maybe putting those labels on cd packages for "adult content"...? Dude, they just wanted people to chill out and go with it, and we did. Americana, in a dirty napkin.



Man, what the hell was that? Monday in L.A. and NO traffic? I got to work in 30 minutes. It was a dream. Please tell me Tuesday will have our normal heavy flow roads... I don't have time to listen to my talk-radio with all that quick travel.

I even squeezed washing the Benzo in to my schedule so life is good again.

It is difficult for me to trace it back to whoever said "A filthy car is a sure sign of depression." but it is definitely a quote that stuck with me, and if true, I am totally a category 6 pandemic. IF, I said...

With all of the little writing assignments I currently have rolling at the moment I have been too busy to even blog. I did try this past weekend, but Blogger was suffering some sort of stroke.

Well I am here, so if you ever need to talk...




Fat Food Tuesday

Carl's Jr. Double Six Dollar Burger
with Medium Natural cut Fries and 32 oz Coke
2,618 Calories
144 g fat (51.5 g saturated fat)
2892 mg sodium

Of all the gut-growing, heart-stopping, life-threatening burgers in the fast food world, there is none whose damage to your general well-being is as catastrophic as this. Consider these heart-stopping comparisons: This meal has the caloric equivalent of 13 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donuts; the saturated fat equivalent of 52 strips of bacon; and the salt equivalent of seven and a half large orders of McDonald's French fries!

Not only that- but don't count on fast food to look like it does in the advertisement.

Bad Grammar


Hulk Hogan Could Have Been The White Oj Simpson

Hulk Hogan gets it.

His not-too-surprisingly candid Rolling Stones interview is out today - here are some of my thoughts.

Go have a read, brother.


This week in Santa Monica and Venice 4/12 to 4/18

OK - I know, I know...
this ain't what you signed up for. DM, what up with these random updates and boring blog posts?

Please read...

Looking for some good theater action or music? Here are a few options to go check out this week on the Westside.

Easter Parade 7:30pm $10 general admission @ Aero Theatre
The Backtrackers, The Golden West, Castano @ Rusty’s Surf Ranch
Adam Bones, Lost Captains, A Louder Disaster, Soccer Mom @ The Garter
Super Chakra, Mark Livingood @ The Good Hurt

Sweatpea & Sir Harry, Don Was, Randy Jacobs @ Harvelle’s

The Medic, 3000 Realms, Tanuki Suit Riot, Boy Behind a Wall, Joe Sax @ The Good Hurt

Understate of Mind, The Most Powerful Hand, Kamikaze @ Air Conditioned Lounge
Horton Hears a Who! 3:00pm @ Santa Monica Public Library
Rum, Shakedown Lulu White, Tadahisa Yoshida, Myuji @ The Good Hurt

Half Baked 8:00pm @ Fanatic Salon Theater

Against All Odds 7:30pm @ Aero Theatre

Kevin Kinsella & Raiz Muzik @ Air Conditioned Lounge
Mary Poppins 3:00pm @ Aero Theatre

I KNOWwwww. These posts make me feel like I'm old! I've been writing for a few other sites trying to figure out angles, and all I'm getting are weak results.

I may have to jumpstart the training blog again if this crap keeps becoming an issue. Ey ey.. tsk tsk. And all that sorta shit. You definitely will want to be checking out the website where I keep landing myself because its gritty style and harmonic nature - The Fresh Scent is going to save me from going Obama on myself (I won't be demanding that you follow me through these Changes, etc.) But I remember when I was the best goddamned chatter/IMer you ever met. I saved a lot of those conversations and soon will be digging through all my hard drives to pull some out and deliver them. Seriously, I could IM my way into things, some good and some bad. And it used to be fun.

Until then, I'm really glad you made it here - the Daily Mael loves any and all flavors. Drank the Obama Kools-Aid? I don't care. Rich and now facing serious taxation to save me? Thank you. Go enjoy your Easter.


Really Good Video by BLU

BLU makes some amazing videos, check this shit out...

More here: http://www.blublu.org/



The Creation

Going way back in time, before even my birth, so I could dredge up some quality psyche rock and shake my ass for a few minutes. I hope you do the same. Unless I know you and you are unworthy of ass shaking to old psyche rock. If this be the case, please just view and sit very still so as to not make a scene. Bless.


Man’s Inhumanity to Man: Journey Out of Darkness, an art exhibit in Glendale, Ca

Awwww, look, ain't that cute? My first Examiner article!

Looking for an art getaway without leaving town? There is an art opening at the Brand Library Art Galleries April 4, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

From their press release this week:

The art exhibition “Man’s Inhumanity to Man: Journey out of Darkness” will open on Saturday, April 4th, from 5-8 pm, at the Brand Library Art Galleries, 1601 West Mountain Street in Glendale. The event, which will run through May 8, is part of the City of Glendale’s Annual Commemorative Events.

Read the rest right here: http://www.examiner.com/x-6352-Santa-Monica-City-Buzz-Examiner~y2009m3d25-Mans-Inhumanity-to-Man-Journey-Out-of-Darkness-an-art-exhibit-in-Glendale-Ca


Wedneday Video Stop: One More Time

Don't have time to blog today - so I'm sticking with the videos I want you to check out. The videos I will show most of the time aren't new. I've seen Joe Jackson 4 times but this video was the tour when I saw him for the first time. I'm almost embarrassed to note the year but it was a long time ago .. still, it's clear why he's one of the best pop performers ever.


Flashback Tuesday

Get your lighters out...


One Door Closes Another Door Closes Another Door Closes

Wow, what a peculiar place I find myself this year in the middle of March.

Rather than getting blistering drunk and wobbling around casinos and filthy scum toilet water in Vegas all week - I'm home working on essays and plotting out a new living scenario, eating pizza and laughing with the roommates and generally being lazy (that all changes tonight when I meet up with my basketball junkies). I have all this low-paying work to get done and its dull at times but never useless.

I miss Vegas but I'm finding the alternatives. Watching CSUN come close to beating those Memphis Pigs was great fun and I have the brackets and it's almost playoff NBA basketball time for us fantasy junkies. It's all good. Living vicariously through the photos and video streams coming in from sxsw, and got my car fixed.

All this and I found the W. LA courthouse made an error in January and notated me as having not shown up for a court date. My license was suspended, and if there's a hole in the system I'm usually sure to find it and I did again, and got caught driving on that suspended license.

Went to the court clerk yesterday, and after a 30 minute rumbling through dockets - my problems were corrected. Assholes. So I left the court - back to the DMV (oh... uhm, and by the way - Santa Monica DMV is the greatest DMV of all-time... more on that coming soon) and got my license all current again. Ahhh, fatnastic.

THEN - to make it all a whirlwind - this week I presented a 10-minute paper and ppt slide show to coincide with the madness, worked and got a JOB as paid writer... though that will be a longer story as well...

March Madness of the highest order continues...


Herndon Gone NUTS

We're all nuts over "the Madness" - this is March baby. My birthday (and Shaq's) there is SXSW which I STILL have yet to attend... and there is NCAA basketball. It's so lovely, and I had to steal some songs from the greatest pool EVER... I love Mister JF even though I don't know if I've ever met him... though I must have and I have no memory. Anyway, here's some songs - sing along if you'd like.

Sung to "My Love" by Justin Timberlake
If I pick you a Sweet Sixteen
Would it have to have the Wolverines
If I told you the Elite Eight
Should I put in Michigan State
Well baby I know the Final Four
And I'm picking them for sure (not Duke)
These teams represent my heart
And I can't wait for tipoff to start (say F-Duke)

Because, I can see us placing bets
Hoping Pittsburgh cuts down the nets
I can see us watching a game
Rooting for teams like Notre Dame
On UNC let it ride? Don't let me bet for the Crimson Tide
All I see is a repeat
There's only one team to beat
All I want to win is Flori-da
(So don't bet on Duke) Flori-da
(So don't bet on Duke) Flori-da
Ain't no other team can take the top spot, Flori-da
(So don't bet on Duke) Flori-da
(So don't bet on Duke) Flori-da
Joakim Noah is bound to get real hot, Flori-da

Sung to "Ironic' by Alanis Morissette
Bob Knight...Texas Tech team
Down 10 points...he starts to scream
It's sixty-five teams...controlling their fate
It's a buzzer beater...one second too late
And isn't it March Madness
Don't you think
A little too much sadness
For bubble teams on the brink

It's like hooooops, in the middle of the day
You should take off work
Both Thurs and Friday
Follow my advice
A sick day you should take
And hoops you will watch til its over

Sung to "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt
My sheet is brilliant
My picks are pure
I saw a WAC team
In the Final Four
Should I let it ride on Boise State
Do they use their football plan
But I won't pick, them to win
'Cause I don't think they can
They're pitiful
They're pitiful
They're pitiful, it's true
I saw them play, there is no way
I'll pick them to win it all
'Cause this still isn't football

Sung to 'Faithfully" by Journey
Tourney run
Former cham-pi-on
Team's been up and down
This sea-son
Restless coach
Sweats a lot each game
Swearing all his words
At his play-ers
They say that the road games are tough to win in this conference
Right down the bench is Hayes and Osby
And playin' man to man ain't as easy as its sounds to me
Mike Jones, you shoooot the three
But what the Ter-erps ne-eeed....DJ Straw-berry
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh

Sung to "Mr. Brightside' by The Killers
Looking at every page
Reading every stat line
Gotta fill my sheet out
Because I'll win it all
It started out with one pick
With all my sheets I will stick
It was only one pick
It was only one pick

On no team I will sleep
Is Wake really that bad
Will the Tar Heels choke
Or is it Duke that will gag
Now they're about to tip off
Hope I made the right pick
And it's Duke way ahead
But the Terps are coming back now
Clemson shoots the three now
Will it go

And I just can't look
Tech is killing me
Hokies take control

Are they better than B.C.
Do they get a first round bye
J.J. Redick serving fries
How much do I have to pay
Jarrett's pool is calling me
Got to send my picks on time
I'm gonna let it ride

Sung to "My Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas
S..E..C teams drive me crazy
On the Pac Ten I am hazy
Big Ten teams treat me nicely
Big East teams are real fiesty
Nova and then U-CONN
Shooting, they be hooping
Thru the tourney they be playing hot
Dickie V be yelling
About Duke he be telling
Coach K, miss Bat-tier
There's WoJo, floor he keep hittin
Days off I will be taking
Sickness I am faking
My picks I will be making
At noon I will be waking

For hoops, for hoops, for hoops, for hoops
You love my tourney pool
My pool, my pool, my pool
My pool they got you,
You could be winning
Winning all the money from me by signing up with me
You could be winning
Winning lots of money from me, from me, from me

Sung to "Vertigo" by U2
Uno, Dos, Tres, Sixty-Four
How low, how low
How low of a seed will Maryland go

Sung to "Whip It" by Devo
When the brackets come along
You must pick em
Brackets, Pick em good
Twelve seeds, sleeper choice
It's not to late, to pick em
Pick em good

Sung to "Since You've Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson
Since Duke's been gone
I can enjoy March for the first time
They're not moving on
Yeah, Yeah
Thanks to Duke, won my bet, they are gone
They lost to UCONN

Sung to "Moondance" by Van "Adam" Morrison
It's a marvelous night for a mustache
And the Zaga kid's got it all thin
It is awkward and brown and it's wispy
Looks like someone Dirty Sanchez'd him

Sung to "Jack and Diane" by John Cougar Melloncamp
Little Pool about March Madness
Sixty Four teams doing the best that they can
Jay Bilas says Nova will go far
Andy Katz says Memphis is gonna be a star
Oh yeah, March goes on
Long after your brackets are officially done
Oh yeah, the pool goes on
Long after your bracket have been ELIMINATED!!!

Sung to "The Thunder Rolls" by Garth Brooks
6:30 on a Sunday
Selection time in sight
Bubble teams are a hoping
That they'll play on Thursday night
And the top seeds roll
Championship's their goal

Sung to "Only Want To Be With You" by Hootie and the Blowfish
Sometimes I wonder, if Kansas will ever win
The get so close only to choke it in the end
Kentucky's struggling and I don't know why
Better start to win or they'll make Ashley Judd cry
But please don't be a fool
Join Jarrett Fischer's pooool

Sung to "Don't Stop Believin" by Journey (the greatest band ever)
Just a homegrown pool
Started it in middle school
Started with just ten friends
The pot...was...small
Then as the years went on
More people came along
And it's in fifteenth year
We're still going strong
Some will win, some will lose
Depends on the teams you choose
But have no fear when your teams are done
Pool goes on and on and on and on...giggidy giggidy

(Daily Mael agrees - Journey is tops, man!)


Just saw this tonight...

Here is what 1 million dollars looks like, scaled to size next to an image of a person.

The next step is to look at one billion dollars, again, scaled against a strange looking Power Point man. Nice...

Now we have the next stacked up bills - sorry, I think I deleted the man from this next picture, but it how that money would look if you were to make that a stack of one TRILLION dollars. I am totally impressed now! Oh, wait, the little man IS there - he just happens to be dwarfed by all the pallets. One trillion. It's a number we're supposed to be getting used to by now.



Life has taken over, mu-Man, I'm busy - I'm writing, I'm editing, I'm therapizing, I'm schooling.. So I thought I'd go in to the picture archive and give you a picture I took on Lincoln a few weeks ago.


Lets Kick This Shit Off Right

This is my birthday week, so I will be posting any and all birthday cards and well wishes. This is not for you. It's for my ego. So send me a card... Bill Fucking Friday beat you all. This is a tough standard to beat... Go check out his filthy blog. It's worth it. Everyone misses A New Way To Train.. my training blog that was shut down. I may have to reopen it sometime this year to relive some of the memories...like when I blogged about throwing up a little in my mouth at the site of huevos rancheros at a local dive because it reminded me of my stay in a mexican jail....ughhh... on second thought....


Republic Magazine Issue #13: The Big Pharma Plague

FINALLY! It is here! And YES! That is MY article on the bottom left corner of the FRONT page of this month's new Republic Magazine!

Support a brother and order this issue using the button at the bottom of this site... If you really don't want to buy one let me know, I'll get you an issue, but any support helps as always. This is a sweet article, and the issue is going to be great and I don't want you to miss this.

What's in the Water?


Captain Beefheart

Y'all know Paul Moyer, right?

Check out his video interview with Captain Beefheart.

OK, this is about a good 7 minutes. It is up to you to learn. Have a 7 minute lesson in how to do your art.


4 years ago today

Four years ago, Hunter S. Thompson died.

I remember him by reading ... and RE-reading his books. They are still important and they are still highly influential.

They don't pay me, but they Flying dog Brewery does make some great Ale. Drink some and think of Hunter. Or just go to their website to read a memory or two by Ralph Steadman.


Good Morning Hurt: Bloody Brains and Barbarellatones

Bloody Brains SMASHED some covers that had all 25 witnesses going "WAHHH? You're already done?" Yeah, it was nice to get out of the house, but more importantly, it was nice to go 4 minutes out of the house. So I ordered a double and it was on...

The Barbarellatones were sickening, as expected. They saluted Lux Interior and played Thar She Blows, an anthematic, yet problematic classic that they already hate playing. It's so goddamned good though!

This is the 3rd great show I have seen at Good Hurt in W. LA and there were a combined 75 fans at the shows... Shows what nobody knows won't kill em.

Dan sent me this file today... it's damn good!
Who Do You Love_.mp3

Had fun supporting some LA's best rock.. Looks like a music weekend, Happy Valentine's Day.


Coming Soon: "What's in The Water?"

I am VERY excited about the new Republic Magazine dropping at the end of February! I wrote an awesome piece on Big Pharma. No silly stuff here, just eye popping statistics and almost 3,000 words! Took me forever to get that one done, but made it in by the deadline without incident. In all honesty, I was overwhelmed trying to narrow the scope of the article to stay on point, and in the end I was happy with the results.

Remember - if you are going to order copies of this magazine, see the link at the bottom of this blog which will take you directly to the ordering page. This is the issue I want all my readers to enjoy, so don't miss out - it's the best research article I've ever had published. And you will be supporting the Daily Mael blog at the same time. What a deal!



Old Jews Telling Jokes

Nothing like some old Jews telling jokes. I'm going to be on this website one day...

May you have ten children that grow up to be on this site too!


Daily Site is the Daily of the Week!

Talk about risk-takers! Daily Site is now up and running. I held off filling y'all in the new developments happening in my life - but one is quite massive. I am senior editor for Daily Site! That's right, this site was started by a super-genius computer tech geek team led by Omid and Vola. Voila!

What is it? Well, I'm glad I'm blogging about this because I can't do a tell all just yet. There will be a publicity story coming soon, and I could be doing it if I can just squeeze together enough time to it. Anyway, this is a specialty site that is intended to help web-crawling internet addicts narrow their search through the web for a particular topic of interest. For example, my "Splash", as we call each particular channel, is solely for links to UFO and paranormal articles/threads/music/images. I selected this topic because it's easily my most researched and most interesting topic when I get online regardless of my body's toxicity levels.

I urge you to come check us out, and if there is a topic you feel you are a master of, and have the motivation to be part of the team, let me know and I can forward your idea to the captain.

Meanwhile, I've already met some amazing writers. Yeah, it's weird. Yeah, it hurts my time I'll be able to dedicate to the Daily Mael... but I will fight for my ability to continue posting here because that's how I roll....

So far the topics are limited, but that will change once Daily Site catches on. It's very exciting and I've never loved working like this before.



Direction: February 2009 Editorial Goes Around the Dailies

The sail has been lifted, the pirates are out to sea and Daily Mael now has a mission. To deliver the dailies (when I'm posting) from around the horn. Discovering a need to specialize has led me down this path. The result is simple, fewer personal rants, more links and happenings at the dailies - for example:

Tonight's Daily Show with Jon Stewart is summarized like this:
Barack Obama plays Rovian hardball, and the media wonders if the honeymoon is over. John Oliver learns what Kenya is all about, and Dev Patel describes the slums of Mumbai.

More often than not, in the beginning, I will be looking for the more obscure dailies, including places like Digital Daily, which is running a good Myspace story. Or maybe Daily Astrology, where today's Pisces scope reads:

Everything is coming up roses and optimism rules the day. Life is for living and you cannot wait to partake of all those new and rewarding experiences that are waiting to enthrall you. Do not go overboard, but have fun. Your energy is high and your creative mind is busy, ready to be applied to the work at hand. If you give your best effort now, much can be accomplished. Your communicative abilities are emphasized. This is an excellent time to sway others to your cause through speeches and other communications. Your thinking is most lucid and grasping. Be careful, though, from taking it to the extreme in trying to find a logical reason for every event that occurs; especially the actions of co-workers. Friendships are most rewarding now.

The web is a big place and if you don't know what you are looking for, it spells nothing but trouble. Look out for the occasional video (less than what have been put up lately) and look for, we can only hope, technological interactive updates to the site to make things more fun. Monthly poll? We'll see, but thus far Daily Mael has been struggling for a face. The time is now, and if you are looking for more of Joe's personal writing, keep an eye open, there may be a similar blog cooking for that.

January went by quickly. Grad school is an unlikely reality happening at the end of February. But the official word came in January, I just wanted to be sure before bringing it up. There were all sorts of great UFO news, political squabbling and economic rumor that built up big last month, and so Daily Mael will be more focused on the dailies covering these sorts of topics, along with the usual humor and quick bits and doodly bobs.

OH, and while your searching the dailies, go to the DAILY STAR for a picture of Texas housewife Sheyla, who recently broke the breast size record at 38 kkk. Ouch, 9 surgeries. Yep, and here at Daily Mael you just get a link and a picture I took in the New Mexico mountains in December.

UPDATE! Ok, by demand, I'm posting a picture of Sheyla that was forwarded to me. She appears to be snapped in her natural habitat - the cosmetics department at a local Macy's.

It almost looks painful - please avoid sharp objects Sheyla!


Lancelot in the Hong Kong Sneeze

I'll never forget when I first discovered Lancelot. I was a about 12 years old and I was on the phone watching, and on the other end my friend Barney was doing the same. We laughed so hard we cried. Lancelot was an early 70s phenom. Seriously, we cried.


Daily Paul

Yep, there is a website that allows you to keep a close eye on Ron Paul and it's called the Daily Paul. In these days when there is so much smoke in the air, fires still ablaze, only time will tell when it will clear. To maintain a positive outlook on such matters, day in and day out, it is no laughing matter - it's a battle, and there is so much going on, it never hurts just to get a prolific outlook on the matters We might take for granted. Not everyone is supposed to understand all the legislation. I sure as hell don't and don't lie - neither do you. But Paul does, and he's is fighting every day to have his weird, almost whiny voice heard fairly. And you may not agree, but that is not what it's all about. It is about knowing the facts. So far, it's been this mad dash by Obama to spread "crisis" much like Bush screamed "terrorism!", which might be necessary to get what he wants to get done -- speaking of stimulus, my computer got a nasty virus from all the porn I was "researching" last week. Boo hoo. Restore the Republic, and restore my hard drive to last week...

Anyway, a stimulus package is going to be hotly debated in the coming weeks. Read up and understand what it means besides, maybe, being able to afford that WII Fit. Jim DeMint (r), speaking Jan. 27 at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., explained the Obama administration will “create crisis and widespread panic” to get this package approved and pushed through - or as Yogi might say, "it's like deja vu all over again." The neo-conservative influence keepin us in a standoff in Iraq is pulling tough on Obama, and though he's promised troop reductions, any escalations in violence will change his mind. At least that is the Ron Paul take on Obama's foreign policy. The cons will continue to push their philosophy that pulling out now would lead to future problems here at home (apparently, they want us to seem as this might be an improvement the way they push this line of thinking,) but in fact, staying in Iraq and contuing participation in the violence is what We should avoid. We will also be bombarded with numerous reports that Afghanistan is the real problem(as it has been reported for a long time)
so rather than a direct pull-out, there most likely will be a shift-over. And money will continue to be a problem, worldwide.

Ok, don't be afraid, it's only information.




What's that you say? You're lost? Tonight's season premier of Lost was long and it was good and it was super confusing.

Cheech, who plays Hurley's dad, makes some drug references... Jack is creepy... Linus needs his blanket...

They are going back to the island and leaving a bunch of repeated "The island needs us!" cliche lines and enough people got shot and otherwise maimed to make this a typical episode - and annoy non-watchers to the point of walking out mid-way. It's been too long.

Hurley does a great job taking a spiritual lead of a bunch of social outcasts and grounding a generally pointless mission. There is lots of revenge, guns and double-crossing to keep it thoroughly entertaining and Anna Louisa sobered up enough to play a ghost highway patrol officer. She's so hot, so it was great 2 see her back as a reminder of past Lost seasons.

I don't want to give anything away, and while I enjoy the space/time Philadelphia Experiment elements, it's a pretty bad show to just jump in to unless you know the characters, which drive this vehicle further than the plot itself.

The Daily Mael hopes all you Lost fans are ready to enjoy this new (possibly last) season.


Funny Ad

Look like someone you know?


Detroit's New Pup

Here is a picture of Detroit's cute new pup...

It's name is Amani, but I think she looks more like a Sinatra if you asked me.


LA and OC Music Reads: Gary Schwind

Fellow Broo writer Gary Schwind has a regular writing slot at Examiner (LA and Orange County). He covers the local music scene and has a growing list in his archives to check out. He writes like a blogger and blogs like a writer, so he's always worth a read, especially if your in the OC or don't mind taking a little drive. I'm looking forward to checking out the Detroit Bar to see what kind of virgin drinks they serve.


One reason I didn't go skiing this season...

Well, for one, my knee is still on the mend, and second, there's too many dumb-asses on ski slopes. Today this guy got caught in probably the most embarrassing moment in his life...

This will probably be the most widely viewed picture on the internet within hours. And it's not his fault, it's the dumbasses at Vail who will be paying through the snow plow this ski season. Ouch, the guy (48) was suspended for 15 minutes. In today's world, that is about as bad as it gets.


Hoofin' It At Home: Clippers Draining Me

Make no mistakes about it, downtown Los Angeles has either become incredibly rad, or is just a symbol of pure folly. The Nokia is massive and daunting. ESPN Zone apparently has one of the "best burgers" (yeah, I'm not falling for it... though the Philly Steak was pretty good) and they do something practical, yet rarely seen at most restaurants - in their fruit salad, they cut the honeydew melon into manageable bite-size pieces. Really... how novel is that? Parking has not changed entirely since past seasons despite the insane changes within the downtown infrastructure.

As I rambled on to my only real Clipper fan friend, Barney, about the many reasons the Clippers would be better off leaving Los Angeles, I didn't realize I wouldn't be able to bring the camera into the game due to it's lens size. Oh well, Barney was right, but somehow the person regulating the outdoor line said she didn't think they'd allow it inside, "but check at the next stop". At the metal detector the person was not happy letting me by, but I was happily passed along to the ticket scanner person who asked, "is that lens extended to the max?" To which I answered "yes" - and voila! I was in Staples with a camera with a lens larger than 3". Barney didn't get that I wanted to take advantage of this one-time (for me) happening and I don't recommend trying it because they were on to me, but hey, it's the Clips, man - what am I going to get away with anyway?

I wound up walking away with a 1-point loss and the game winning shot (that got blocked, but goal-tended, by Al Thornton), taken by Allen Iverson.

Meanwhile, as the Lakers continue to cover the spread, the Clippers become less relevant to L.A. with every loss. I know they are a little bad luck with all the injuries, but they deserve better to not constantly be over-shadowed by another team in their own city. One can't entirely blame Dunleavy for the disappointment of the 2008-2009 season, this is a problem that begins at the very top. For all the new beauty in downtown Los Angeles, it just goes to show there are plenty of things that still need fixing.