
Responding to a Facebook "what if?"

Magic Wand of Life
No one possesses this magic wand of life. As much as we think, God (or the captain, so to speak) is in possession of this magic wand. But suppose it is YOUR work and you are selected to be given this wand.

Question: "What you do with that wand?"

Condition: This wand can do only good and bad things. But if you use the wand for destruction, then the wand is returned to sender.

This was my interpretation of the question, though the original question of worded much differently.

So here is my response, feel free to dispute or just leave your own. I don't get enough comments on this blog, so take a minute, it won't bite you.

I would have Obama (all politicians) give the people full transparency of what exactly happens with the most advanced technologies and programs on Earth. I would want all the laws open for a real discussion.

I would want to know the highest-most in Worldly knowledge and secrets, and be part of the team that is responsible for climbing to the top of a very large mountain, with a very large amplifier system and golden microphone. We would, one by one, categorically read each and every meaningful, and meaningless (depending on your spot on the spectrum) point.

If you want to go to the original post leave a comment there too...


Randy Cassingham's Blog

It was 30, nay - 40 years ago Tuesday that Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong piloted the Eagle -- the first manned lunar-landing spacecraft -- to the surface of the moon. He had to land manually, as the onboard computer couldn't process instructions fast enough as they sped toward a field of boulders; landing on them would have surely meant death. But he settled down with less than 30 seconds of fuel remaining and, after a few hours of rest, stepped onto the surface of our moon, followed shortly by Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, while Michael Collins circled less than 10 miles overhead in the command module, Columbia. Driven by dreams -- and funded by a burning desire to beat the Russians -- the first moon landing on July 20, 1969, was a defining moment in history. Never before had so many people, in so many countries, watched a single event with such awe.

Randy Cassingham's Blog


It's on! "Tools of the Revolution" will be on the air...

From the GCN website...


Writer and street activist (Tea Parties) JOSEPH MAEL reports on the growing legion of public protestors and shares "Tools of the Revolution" that embody: Freedom of Speech, Tools of the Scribe, Starting your own Media Blitz and the power of Low-Frequency Radio.
Website: http://www.showmethelaw.org/off-with-their-heads-tax-revolt-in-california-sparks-revolution.html
To Subscribe: http://www.republicmagazine.com or 866.437.6570
Article: "Tools of the Revolution": http://www.scribd.com/doc/16454509/Republic-Magazine-The-Second-American-Revolution (The article "Tools of the Revolution " may be found by clicking on lower right hand side of the magazine until you come to Page 21)


much to do about this week

After a mini-vacation, the thing I love to come back to is good news.

A couple articles I wrote at Examiner took off, I got another "A" in my last class, the Clippers are involved in some major re-workings yet retain their "modest expectations" status, and the best of all news from my inbox - - I am going to be interviewed Tuesday morning live on a syndicated radio show called the Power Hour.

The show is not produced in a major market, but their message is a growing strain in a struggling American theology:
We focus on subjects that inform and educate people every day to the real challenges that face this country. Help us restore the Constitution to its rightful place of importance in the United States.

Some of the show info:
Listen Live Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST
or to the nightly replay Monday-Friday 9-12 PM CST.
Listen FREE thru Global Star Satellite Feed
3 hours of two of America's finest patriots:
Joyce Riley and Dave VonKleist!
** Or Listen "On Demand"

More information is on the way, but as of now, I'm scheduled for Tuesday morning's show for one hour. This is tentative until tomorrow, when I expect Joyce to give me a ringy ding. I'll be discussing an article I wrote about flash mobs and social networking, hopefully this will include calls from listeners. It's exciting for me because this will be a first for me to go live for a radio interview, I best get back to preparing while I have a few minutes.

I've been listening to Power Hour's past podcasts and I have to say that they are surprisingly good. I only say that because when I first tuned in, I wasn't sure what to expect, and Joyce really blew me away.

More updates on this tomorrow.


Motel Blues

1978. No it isn't Will Ferrell, it's Rufus Wainwright's daddy. I like Loudon's songs but not really into Rufus.


Funny Prank

Absolutely Hilarious Bathroom Mirror Prank - Watch more Pranks

For more videos, check out the comedy video site I edit at Daily Site. I'm always taking email submissions if you have links you'd like to see on the site: joe@dailysite.com