
08:44 AM It was not for many years, or days, that I felt I was a believer that what we had to work with was something yet to be exploited. A miserable dirty he was. Hatred spewed from his frothy mug at just about every opportunity to prove himself but goddammit he is reliable and he is nobodys fool. That was the motive.

08:38 AM I was led astray by a talent so huge but also by a man who is so dumb.


Diaro, my diary app

11:30 AM This is my first entry. I have lost so many documents over time due to digital degradation that it hurts to think about. I used to have thousands of yahoo conversations that go back eons. I had im's that will never be found ever again. But sometimes I wonder... Did someone else get them? Is this person out there putting this stuff together? What if he is out there. Making movies with my thoughts. Weird right?