
Tues Blues, Teixeira an Angel!

Cut the hand open doing dishes this morning, nearly slicing off my entire knuckle. I went to work - Dr. Mael in the hizzy. If it gets infected and I lose the hand entirely, that MIGHT affect the blog, but I doubt that will happen as I'm pretty thorough. It's pretty fleshy n stuff, but I'm sitting here thinking the doc would only put one or two stitches in and the only worry besides that is keeping it clean. I have antibiotics left over from last year's knee surgery, so I'm good. I cleaned, wrapped, then sat down to read part of Hell's Angels, again, while watching Auntie Maim (1958). I'm confident that's one of my sister's favorite movies ever.

Ten minutes later there was that lame quake. Don't believe what they say, that was NO 5.8, maybe more like 5.2 or so. Didn't phase me, I already had three advils in me.

While on the topic of Earth shaking news, I changed the blog settings so ANYONE can now post comments without having to sign up with Google or whatever. The trade-off, cuz there always is one, is that you'll have to enter in those strange word boxes so to avoid spam... Oh well, better than signing up for shit you don't want to sign up for.

By the way, 2nd week totals for hits to this site were pretty great. I even had one day where hits were over 100 which I didn't expect to happen until I wrote something worthy, thanks! I'm still working on a few essentials in life before I get overly blog happy, and I should be out in print before long.

HA - 5.8 my ass, but the meat guy at Ralphs told me it did knock over a few loaves of bread off the shelf. Maybe they were stacked weird.

Great news today with the California Angels, for anyone still interested in baseball... Switch hitting Mark Teixeira is ours!! Their hitting is going to skyrocket, it's a very solid deal and if you don't know a thing about baseball, and live in LA, you're going to be hearing a lot about this move. To the Series, Halos!


Good new video

If you like hot girls kicking ass.

xFiles: I Want My Money Back

So I sucked it up and went to see it last night. I went with the roommate to 3rd Street and was happy at how packed it was outside, and dead it was inside. I'm not into packed movie houses.

Now I can tell why it got so slagged in recent reviews. This was poor timing for this version of X-files. This would have made a decent 4th or 5th installment.

But will the series get that far? I dont' know, but man, this one seemed to be headed in the right direction only to run out of money on the budget to realize potential subplots. Instead we were left with a Fox/Scully love fest. Californixfileation. As a fan of the show, I had my hopes high for a continuation on the anxiety of the first movie, but this one was too grounded. Bad timing, only decent story but Fox sports a sweet beard for half the movie, which surprisingly did move at a decent pace. I want more, I just don't want more of this.

Duchovney- put your penis away!


Bloggers Getting In Trouble

Bloggers have been creating problems for city police in Memphis. And thanks to the worst of the internet, AOL, 1st amendment rights are being challenged. Unfortunately, I am not very controversial, yet. How about if I said "fuck the police"? There, I just did. Oops, gotta run, someone's at the door... Here in LA, Times' Bloggers are not allowed to talk about Edwards' affair, but who cares about that anyway? That's what he was thinking. If anyone still doubts blog power, now is the time to loosen your tie.

In the meanwhile, here's my two FAVORITE pics from the Glow thing. Last time, promise. I'm sorry, I was fascinated by that damn wheel!


Glow Follow-Up

So I had a request for more glow pictures, and here are a couple more. The files are giant so I didn't want to make it a photo essay... I just thought I'd throw up a few pictures of the popular ferris wheel, an upgraded version of the touristy favorite. Today I saw a picture somewhere of Hanna Montana getting on this during the event last week.

Showing the wheel at different phases is fun, these were all from different perspectives along the beach and on the boardwalk...

We thought it strange that we bumped into 3 different groups of people who were all rollin' on one substance or another... I thought "wow, a city sponsored rave, this should happen every week."

I look forward to more events like this. It was peaceful, the people were chill, there was a place selling corn dogs, the grunions came out and lots of art was there for observation. That was something this city needs more of in the future.


Fuck Primal Source

Fuck This Website is a genius way to express what and who can and will be fucked. Last week at the Santa Monica Glow show there was an opportunity to submit an entry to the site. This picture had 09 seconds to be snapped before the event staff security spotted and removed the attachment so onlookers wouldn't be offended and carried off to the pits of hell for laughing.

The 1st of hopefully many triumphant moments for the Daily Mael blog, enjoy.


Shut up and Inspire

Got my x-box360 yesterday and it's over. Goodbye life, goodbye free time. Goodbye blogging - I got game.

I waited until 4am one morning last week and bid on this baby. Nobody else bid on it, and whamo! lesson 101 on how to get a great deal on an x-box360 is done. I won the bid at it's starting asking price of $135 bucks + shipping 25 + 2 year warranty 25. So for under 200 bones I got game for at least 720 days, at which point I expect sparks and a giant real explosion.

Listen here, I'm so old I have some catching up to do. Gotta go buy Guitar Hero, gotta buy the guitar attachment, so on and so forth.

In a couple hours I plan to take out the camera and go take a few pictures, so git ready for some act-she-own. Will my computer be able to upload em all is the question, as there's already a good 300 pix in the cue and this machine is worn down.

And so really quick, I thought I'd do a run-down of "other" great blogs that are "daily" reads. Here it goes, give a little love and click on a link to read more.

The LA Times blog section is growing exponentially. They are rolling with the changing media times. Daily Dish keeps us abreast of local eatery options.

Want to read historical crime reports from early Los Angeles history? Daily Mirror will help.

The final of the LA Times dailies is the LA Travel Deals and Vacations blog which will anger you when you see all the places you COULD have gone this summer.

No, my site isn't the Daily Show you fool! More Lewis Black!

Get your Daily Motion on for a plethora of great videos.

Freeze your mind with Daily Sudoku.

Free your mind at the Daily Mind with the help of some great Eastern philosophical advice.

I'm starting to think myself unworthy. Shit, these are some good sites, but if I want any part of the "Daily" game action, I feel a need to make myself a useful portal.

Daily Mail, clearly misspelled, has a UK tabloid style news site. How the hell are we supposed to believe crop circles are real with all the tabloid sensationalism that comes from the UK? I don't care as long as readers continue to misspell the incorrect url and land on MY site. Zambia also has a daily mail site. Learn to spell!

Daily Kos is a biggie. When I came up with what I might be up against to get hits, I immediately thought of the Kos. They talk of the important political news, impeachment proceedings against Bush, McCain v Obasm, political history lessons and so on a so forth. They are the real deal and should be clicked immediately when you wake up in the morning.

to be continued...

Now on with some x-box action!



What is going through Ron Paul's mind today? Why has his message of the financial breakdown of America been swept so deep under the rug just so we can elect McCain or the "vote for change" candidate Barack? If Paul doesn't have a case of "I told ya so" nobody does. Today's big business news isn't gas, or a war, but it is the structural decay of the global economy.

Real wages in the US dipped 10% in May and June alone, which simply means you are buying your shoes at Ross rather than at Sports Chalet.

It is amazing how many people are going to wonder what the hell they voted for when nothing changes and everything we do is done in a pinch. Just take a look around you and it isn't difficult to see the signs of what is affecting people the most. Prices. There is no simple solution but all those claims to change aren't exactly the promises dreams are made of.

These changes occurring affect everything from the housing market to women's jobs to the median wages which currently are growing at a slower pace than the minimum wage.

These do affect the jobs that are currently on top of the growth index. Most top jobs come in the form of advisory positions such as therapists, personal or financial advisers, and network systems and data communications analysis.

Technorati Profile


Santa Monica GLOWs Until The Morning

The Santa Monica pier, just before sunset is one of my favorite places in the world.

Last night, the City of Santa Monica helped present one of the finest summer evening events I have been to in at least a couple years. For anyone who was fearful that GLOW would turn out to be a complete flop - it was anything but.

Floods of tourists were dominating the first few hours of sunset, but by midnight the freaks were on the boardwalk, like zombie undead, making their way towards us. When we finally did unite, all felt great. Our water bottle was keeping us happy, there were glow sticks everywhere and the art presentations were pretty cool to observe. There was a pretty successful ad campaign that was nothing elaborate until the day of, so it was a surprisingly innovative look at how a city should be operated and something desperately needed by the city of Santa Monica. A city growing accustomed to its status by accepting hoards of travelers cheques, but ignoring its disgustingly low level of community. Since this past week I was on a "staycation", this event couldn't have arrived at a better time.

From afar, I waved back at the new ferris wheel... it was 3am and I didn't have it in me to stick it out until sunrise... I have some more pictures taken with a REAL camera that I'll post when I upload them.


Initiation, Layin' the Groundwork

Hello readers, the time has finally come. Summer is here, the sun is out. My life is changing, so is the world at an amazingly fast past. Faster than ever? Maybe it's because I act my age, which is quite old if you are a teenager. Anyway, welcome to Daily Mael.


First off, this site is so very exciting for me because it works, it looks beautiful, it only includes half my name, it's easy to open, and right now it is a little dark, but still gorgeous to look at thanks the good work of a graphic designer who was recommended to me. I'll add a link soon - but honestly - if you are thinking of really doing the blog thing, it's an incredible feeling to have a personalized touch, and in my case it's my header. This header will invariably change from time to time, but just so you know, it will always include my personal artwork. Eventually I will have a mini-store where I'll have this artwork for sale. I'll be putting out periodic announcements, and if the site is something you feel interested in helping support, by all means buy. Of course this stuff hasn't happened just yet because I am a super slacker. In fact, this post should have been ready but here I am, site open, without my 1st post ready. I think my designer is baffled but never fear, I do have a plan. If you are a regular blogger, I highly recommend having a designer help. You spend enough time plotting the course, and Anna helped make this transition from the FREE Blogger to a more personalized style that could have had so much more. I just wanted to keep it simple for the time being. If you are coming here now, I'll be making changes over time that will help the overall appearance and interactivity. Until I figure out what fits best, I hope you at least enjoy the main attraction - my writing.

I have been working on the Declaration of Daily Mael Interdependence which will be coming soon...

But I did want to applaud anyone who followed the path of my training blog here. I bring with me 4 years and over 1,100 posts of experience and look to expand on the fun. I couldn't do it anymore on that other site as it was only getting me down at all the problems. A fresh start is sometimes needed.

What will I talk about? Man, I got stuff. Weird people stories, newsworthy events, space and general science reports, videos, games, links, sex, and why I hate Pacific Theaters. This and much, much more without all the emotional hangups you'll get at other blogs.

The general consensus from non-blogging friends is "so what" while people I know who fancy themselves writers have all given me some amazing suggestions and encouragement.

Admittedly, my writing is not very complex, but my sister tells me it confuses her sometimes. I'll eventually get to more poignant articles over the days and weeks. This site will be experimental in ways A New Way To Train could not. Thanks to an artist friend, I was able to land a semi-sweet camera which is another tool I had for only a partial time during the 4 years on my other blog. I've had some interesting writing gigs for various publications both online and in print. In fact, a magazine called Republic Magazine an effort supported by Ron Paul (regular contributor) picked up a couple stories I did, so I'll make sure to make a fuss about that when it hits circulation.

So, big things, relatively speaking. And if you happen upon this blog and just want to say something to me in private, email me at dailymael @ gmail.com