
Errrrrrly in the Mrrrrrrrrnin

She rolled over and said "Talk like a pirate.  NOW."

I did.  I closed my right eye, and rolled a few aarrrrrrrrrsssss.

She giggled.   These days it gets trickier to get those little giggles, but I got em today.

She laughed and giggled, which was an even more intense revelation.

She said "People are talking about you up at the office.  You'd better show yourself soon or they'll be in hysterics."

I said "Let them, I don't really mind being judged these days.  I know people don't like being judged themselves, so that's like a free pass at revenge."

"Besides, they tried to fix my carrrrrr yesterrrrrrday and failed.  Now I need to bring it back to them now.  Save me some pancakes."

I left, knowing the unfinished business wouldn't accept my excuses forever.