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Obama, McCain and Bush are bailing out the Wall Street crooks - THAT AIN'T RIGHT!

Hey there if you found me from either Facebook or RTR

So I had a couple articles printed in a magazine this month that link to this site. PLUS, I have a few of you that may have found me via Facebook. I really must appologize [singing: we're sooo sorry...] but I have been too busy with work and writing more articles that I've been reluctant to write here. Mainly because I don't want to get political here until I begin to fully utilize Photoshop and my camera. HOWEVER, I thought I would include a couple pictures from my FIRST Monday Night Football game this past week. I'm a Jets fan, so I made the trip to San Diego to watch us get our asses kicked hard. It was a little embarrassing to walk the walk of death to go take a piss in my Jets hat, but it was fun and Charger fans aren't as brutal as Raider Nation. I did almost get my ass kicked in the parking lot by a drunken nutjob. Literally, his friend had to pull him out of my face before he pummled it to shreds. This animal needed a tranquilizer, and I was very nervous for the rest of the walk back to the car. Too bad my Aussie friend Tom wasn't around, that guy would have been toast.

The first picture was a dude fighting a cop who wouldn't let his fat-ass on an overcrowded train that was taking us up to the game. It was hilarious, and it was nice of the officer to not arrest him after all the names he called him.

The 2nd pic is just a view of me approaching Qualcom. Nice stadium!



R.I.P. George Putnam

George Putnam died yesterday, and though many of you don't know it, if you grew up in California back in my day, you would certainly have heard Putnam's voice. In fact, as some well respected DJs note, he is ingrained in our minds though we may never have even known it.

A life-long conservate Democrat, George made this amazing video about pornography and censorship in the 60s, it's about 10 few minutes long, but amazing and worth the timeout. Take a look:



Olberman is pissed and though I don't usually get too political, this is one scathing commentary that I hope John McCain reads and addresses. The latter being supremely unlikely, but shouldn't it be that way?