
Apology is Due - Sorry Herndon!

Yes, I was a hater during the winter months... A guy we'll just call JF runs the finest NCAA tourney ever and after three years of losing, I was a total sleeve wagon.  I went on his blizz-og and trash talked his pool calling it "a scam", though I was joking.  Of course, with fighting words like that, it's hard to convey silliness, in fact, his tourney is downright awesome, but I did the talking and I don't think it went over too well.

Until today, when Duke - a loathsome team that everybody loves to hate, won the NCAA tournament, securing me with a 6th place finish.

Before you go ... big whoop... you should know there were about 1,200 entrants or something silly.  The first 10 entries land "in the units" and I will be getting a bunch of units in the mail sometime soon!  Apparently my bank accepts these units and transfers them into tokens or widgets.

So, yeah, I feel like an ass.   My comments were even wiped off his blog, so I know this didn't go over very well - the only way I can apologize is by taking those units and buying something fun for the home.

JF is awesome, and tonight he made me a winner.

Oh and if you are wondering about my left hand, it magically grew back after April 1st.

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