
Buffalo Wingfield

Any girl in the world could have known me better, but one fine day there was one stunning beauty that walked right by me, curled her index finger and lured me to adults-only bar where we met over a drink or two.  Lured and captured and fondled it was all me taking the rope and yanking it on that great October night.

And like a wave of sloppy news reports - there were people with screwdrivers planted firmly in their intestines and dna left sitting on the camera bag, empty and left for all the suckas to read.

It was the October of memories, and two years before the country would be changed forever - but for this single entity it was already too late.  In her head and in her dress that was the most quiet day of my life.  A tranquility that only got louder in small enough doses and that was the beginning of a story that can't seem to end.

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