
Initiation, Layin' the Groundwork

Hello readers, the time has finally come. Summer is here, the sun is out. My life is changing, so is the world at an amazingly fast past. Faster than ever? Maybe it's because I act my age, which is quite old if you are a teenager. Anyway, welcome to Daily Mael.


First off, this site is so very exciting for me because it works, it looks beautiful, it only includes half my name, it's easy to open, and right now it is a little dark, but still gorgeous to look at thanks the good work of a graphic designer who was recommended to me. I'll add a link soon - but honestly - if you are thinking of really doing the blog thing, it's an incredible feeling to have a personalized touch, and in my case it's my header. This header will invariably change from time to time, but just so you know, it will always include my personal artwork. Eventually I will have a mini-store where I'll have this artwork for sale. I'll be putting out periodic announcements, and if the site is something you feel interested in helping support, by all means buy. Of course this stuff hasn't happened just yet because I am a super slacker. In fact, this post should have been ready but here I am, site open, without my 1st post ready. I think my designer is baffled but never fear, I do have a plan. If you are a regular blogger, I highly recommend having a designer help. You spend enough time plotting the course, and Anna helped make this transition from the FREE Blogger to a more personalized style that could have had so much more. I just wanted to keep it simple for the time being. If you are coming here now, I'll be making changes over time that will help the overall appearance and interactivity. Until I figure out what fits best, I hope you at least enjoy the main attraction - my writing.

I have been working on the Declaration of Daily Mael Interdependence which will be coming soon...

But I did want to applaud anyone who followed the path of my training blog here. I bring with me 4 years and over 1,100 posts of experience and look to expand on the fun. I couldn't do it anymore on that other site as it was only getting me down at all the problems. A fresh start is sometimes needed.

What will I talk about? Man, I got stuff. Weird people stories, newsworthy events, space and general science reports, videos, games, links, sex, and why I hate Pacific Theaters. This and much, much more without all the emotional hangups you'll get at other blogs.

The general consensus from non-blogging friends is "so what" while people I know who fancy themselves writers have all given me some amazing suggestions and encouragement.

Admittedly, my writing is not very complex, but my sister tells me it confuses her sometimes. I'll eventually get to more poignant articles over the days and weeks. This site will be experimental in ways A New Way To Train could not. Thanks to an artist friend, I was able to land a semi-sweet camera which is another tool I had for only a partial time during the 4 years on my other blog. I've had some interesting writing gigs for various publications both online and in print. In fact, a magazine called Republic Magazine an effort supported by Ron Paul (regular contributor) picked up a couple stories I did, so I'll make sure to make a fuss about that when it hits circulation.

So, big things, relatively speaking. And if you happen upon this blog and just want to say something to me in private, email me at dailymael @ gmail.com

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