
Defending the Constitution Tonight

Tonight via the wonders of the web listeners from anywhere can tune in to a 4 hour OPEN LINE event on Restore the Republic's national conference call tonight.

The issues covered will be the very issues that have scarred the nation over the past 8 years. Surveillance and the restructuring of our 4th amendment, media ownership, politics, North American Union, development of Freedom TV and many, many more.

There will be 100s of callers discussing issues, and I might have an opportunity to do something special that I have never had a chance to do - defend articles I wrote for two cutting-edge candidates Independent Ralph Nader and New American Independent candidate Frank McEnulty. I actually met McEnulty and got the opportunity to interview him earlier in the summer. This is one of the most exciting things to happen to me in a long while, and fortunately, my articles are included in a magazine that will be widely circulated and talked about.

The significance of this show, is that Restore the Republic is responsible for Republic Magazine, a growing magazine that needs everyone's help to be successful. This upcoming 8th issue includes my two candidate articles. If you go to the site, scroll about half way down the page and submit to the digital subscription, you will get all 7 back issues in PDF format, and eventually you will get the 8th issue, the presidential issue.

As we get closer to the magazine's release, I will be more vocal and directive.

For tonight, the show begins at 6pm (pacific) and I think runs four hours. Open talk, join in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My only comment should not be necessary, but, what democracy? Our founders ruled against the idea
They considered it a volcanoe that would eventually consume itself. Si they instead decided a Republic would provide for the protection of one individual. The difference is the source of authority, The mob or the Rule of Law. Ron Moss