
I Wrote An Article For Another Site...

My 40th for Broowaha. I feel so dirty! But I'm not ashamed. I will add that this story is about two mexican police agents who were in West Covina (actually La Puente) and got busted as part of a joint effort by the DEA and LAPD. Well done guys. The two police agents were charged with receiving drug money and some $500,000 cash was taken as evidence.

One thing I tried calling attention to was that Drudge Report hasn't put this story up on it's front page. Instead, Drudge opted to cover Los Angeles' REAL news by having a story on violent L.A. taggers. Uhmm... taggers? WTF! Lemme see... MEXICAN POLICE AGENTS involved in the illegal drug trade, making millions, affected how many millions of homes in the LA area ALONE, and Drudge feels it is important to discuss angsty wall painters. In Peru, taggers are well-revered. There seems to be a cultural imbalance here, certainly the two stories are relatives. But as I've blogged about before, I've been face to face with a few federales before, on their home turf, and they are ruthless and corrupt motherfuckers. They should be treated as such, but I have a bad feeling taggers are going to feel the squeeze much harder than will the Mexican police drug traffickers.

I added a video to the story for effect, but it's not directly related to the story - so I've been called a racist once already today. I'm not, but I guess the unknown person didn't want to talk about it.

Anyway, go read the story now! Click HERE.

And for your Sunday entertainment I thought I'd throw you a special video brought to you by Joe Namath and ESPN:

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